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How do I make my vagina tighter naturally?

It’s embarrassing to ask, but this is a real issue for a lot of women.

Of course, sex isn’t everything in a relationship, but sexual satisfaction is certainly an important part of it!

So if you feel like you have a stretched vagina, or a loose vagina, this can be a serious source of stress. You feel pressure to perform, feel, and look, a certain way for your partner.

Vaginal looseness can seriously damage a woman’s confidence, and make her feel insecure about pleasing her partner, or herself for that matter.

After I had my first child, I didn’t feel sexy, confident or secure in my ability to perform sexually. In fact, to put it bluntly, I felt like I had a flappy vagina.

I wanted to find a solution for natural vagina tightening – -and was willing to try anything. I did my research, tried a ton of different products, herbs and exercises, and found out what worked and what didn’t.

So while it’s a little embarrassing, I’d like to share my experience with other women like me, who want to tighten their loose vagina and get that sexy back!


Why is my vagina loose?

Now, contrary to popular belief, a stretched vagina does not come from too much intercourse. A loose vagina can be caused by various reasons, such as childbirth, menopause, or simply natural aging.

There are all kinds of methods and products for vaginal tightening & how to make your vagina tighter.

You may have heard of kegel exercises, other vagina tightening creams or treatments, and various exercise or diet programs that are designed to tighten a stretched vagina.

How do I tighten my vagina naturally?

Believe it or not, this is not an uncommon question – and vaginal looseness is more common than you think!

It’s nothing to be embarrassed about – although I know it’s a sensitive subject.

If you’ve found this page then you’re probably having some concern about vaginal looseness. Who knows? Maybe you’re even a man trying to help out your special friend who is worried about her vaginal looseness.

If you’ve felt embarrassed or uncomfortable because you feel like you have a wide vagina – I know you’re looking for something that really works, and works fast.

I’ve tried exercises, herbal treatments, and natural vaginal tightening creams. Here’s what worked for me, and what didn’t.

I’ve rated my preference for vaginal tightening from least effective to most effective.

#3 – Herbal Treatments to tighten a stretched vagina

There are several herbs that can help tighten vaginal muscles.

— Pueraria Mirifica helps tighten your vaginal walls by encouraging genital tissue regeneration, This herb also balances estrogen levels to counteract your hormonal imbalances.

Bonus: this herb also helps protect against uterus cancer.

— Another natural vaginal tightening herb includes Curcuma Comosa. This herb helps tighten vaginal muscles, it also helps to correct future vaginal looseness by protecting against vaginal wall prolapse.
Curcuma Comosa also helps cure vaginal dryness, hot flashes and can alleviate menstrual cramps.
— You can also correct a stretched vagina by using natural douches that restore elasticity and strength.


These can be made through a combination of natural ingredients, such as:
• Boiled gooseberry
• Vinegar and water
• Diluted lime juice, alum powder and pickling spices

Personally, I tried several combinations of these natural herbs, and felt that they made me feel healthier and cleaner down in my lady-bits, but didn’t feel all that tighter.

I really liked the natural health benefits, but didn’t feel herbal remedies solved my problem of loose vaginal walls.

#2 – Kegel Exercises
A popular natural way to get a tight vagina is through Kegel exercises.

You perform these vagina tightening exercises by squeezing your inner pelvic muscles. Think about when you stop your self from peeing while you’re already urinating. These are the same muscles. Try it out next time you’re using the bathroom.

Once you have figured out how to do this, simply repeat this exercise multiple times throughout the day.
You can do this discreetly and at your leisure. No one has to know you are working to tighten a wide vagina. Remember this is just one of the natural ways correct vaginal looseness.

In my experience, if you do them over time consistently, kegel exercises really do work! You need to be consistent and keep at it (which is easy because they’re so discreet), and eventually you will strengthen your pelvic muscles and, in turn, your vaginal walls. This will make you tighter, naturally.

So, while I liked that the kegel exercises work over time, I was anxious to try something else that would help them work faster, and last longer. This is why these vaginal exercises are my #2 choice for natural vaginal tightening treatments that really work.


#1 – V-tight gel and tightening program
V tight gel is a tightening cream that claims to correct vaginal looseness by tightening skin and tightening the vaginal walls.

It’s advertised to work both by itself, or with accelerated results in correcting a stretched vagina if you use it together with the v-tight vaginal exercise program.

According to the manufacturer, v-tight works within a few minutes to make your vagina tighter after applying the cream. The product also says you can have intercourse with your partner after only a few minutes of applying the gel.

It’s a natural tightening cream that is made from Manjakani extract, and other natural ingredients, which has been used by women in Asian countries for centuries.

Now there were things I really liked about the v-tight gel, and also some things I disliked. Read my  v-tight gel review.

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